Monday 2 December 2013

Hi, I am a  young woman of 26 years old, an administrative officer with an oil and gas firm in Lagos, Nigeria, a firm believer in women empowerment, a Jesus lover and a work in progress.

I say that I am a work in progress because I am still searching to discover who I am, everyday i learn new and wonderful things about myself-I say new and wonderful because I choose to embrace all of me(rough edges and sweetness, good and bad), everyday i'm shocked at the evolution of myself, sometimes I feel I know all there is to know but then life throws a challenge at me and a new self emerges. I believe that this journey of self discovery is going to be a really long one which i know everyone is on as i am in the course of this thing called life.

I've wanted to start blogging for so long, but actually starting it is something i battled with until now, because even though i feel in my heart that i have things on the inside of me that i believe someone else can relate to, i also feared that no one will find it the least inspirational, educative or entertaining.  Well, finally i decided to just go ahead and register one, i hope that what i write here will touch someone in a positive way and we can all share a part of our story/knowledge to challenge, motivate and educate one another.

I love love music, i wonder sometimes what the world will be like if there was no song to sing or instrument to play. oftentimes i find myself feeling the emotions that possibly the singer felt when the song was written down, composed and produced. i listen to everything from gospel, to soul, R' n B, a little bit of rap, country and rock music. Any song that has lyrics that i can relate to and beats that are really great is a winner to me.

Another thing i love as much as music is reading books, when i was a lot younger i lost a lot of friends to my books, whenever i happened to be out with friends i actually used to feel like i abandoned the book i was reading at that time and i wouldn't be able to concentrate on whatever was going on in that environment until i got home to my precious books, and what a relief it was to climb on my bed and get back to reading my book; it was that bad..

The next thing that i love to do is watch movies, movies have begun to take much of my time these days with their storylines and characters. So it's very safe to say that i'm a boring introvert, lol, which i've come to really accept only recently. I can remember, once upon a time when i made it my mission to change from being an introvert to an extrovert, trust me i really tried but who you are is who you are and no matter how had i tried to enjoy all the things that thrilled and excited the extroverts at their place of "fun", i just seemed to always count down in my head how much time i needed to spend there and when i could go home.

Anyway the title of my blog is steady voices, i chose steady because i believe that i've grown and gotten to a certain place where i'm confident about the things i've learned from my own or other people's experiences, learned from books, movies or just random things on the news that i can sum up and share with you guys and we can get to discuss or evaluate so we can all learn off eachother.

Please pardon me guys because i choose to remain anonymous for now but i hope that you'll come on this journey with me bearing an open heart and mind, i'm not so much of a talker but i have a lot of whispers that go through my mind which i'll like to share with you on this page.


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